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A Forward-Genetic Screen and Dynamic Analysis of Lambda Phage Host-Dependencies Reveals an Extensive Interaction Network and a New Anti-Viral Strategy

Figure 4

Clustered E. coli growth curves under infection conditions for all of the reduced infectivity strains.

Each row of the heatmap is the derivative of an averaged, normalized, and smoothed time course for a single strain (see Materials and Methods). A dendrogram indicating the relative distance between row is shown at left. At right and proximal to the clustergram, the corresponding gene names are listed, followed by the cluster number for significant groups. Also shown are symbols indicating genes that fall into either the lamB regulation pathway (#, see Figure 2A), the LPS inner core biosynthesis pathway (*, see Figure 2B), central carbon metabolism and regulation (ยง, see Figure 2C), and tRNA thiolation (+, see Figure 9). At the far right are averaged time courses for each of the significant clusters.

Figure 4
