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A Forward-Genetic Screen and Dynamic Analysis of Lambda Phage Host-Dependencies Reveals an Extensive Interaction Network and a New Anti-Viral Strategy

Figure 7

The use of phage production time courses to further discriminate between strains with similar E. coli infection curves.

(A) Certain combinations of model parameters produce indistinguishable simulated infection curve phenotypes. Some simulated time courses are shown. Inset quantifies the eventual deviation, as cosine of angle included between simulated time course vectors, with the variation of each parameter away from zero while other two parameters at constant ki = 1, b = 28, f = 0.75. (B) A phase plane-like diagram shows how the simulations shown in (A), although identical in terms of E. coli growth and lysis, are often different in terms of phage production. The regions in the diagram are labeled by the particular parameter combinations that simulate phage production in the region. The dashed line separating the gray and teal regions indicates a soft threshold where we considered dynamics significantly deviating from uninfected curves. (C) Experimentally measured phage production time courses for several of the Cluster 3 strains, shown as fold change from infection phage concentration.

Figure 7
