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Correction: Methionine Mistranslation Bypasses the Restraint of the Genetic Code to Generate Mutant Proteins with Distinct Activities

  • Xiaoyun Wang,
  • Tao Pan
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Fig 2 is incorrect. The images in panels C and D are duplicated. The authors have provided a corrected version of Fig 2 here.

Fig 2. Characterization of CaMKII proteins isolated under no-stress and Ca2+-stress conditions.

(A) C-terminal Flag-tagged proteins were purified from HEK293T cells and its purity examined by SDS-PAGE. Each sample is loaded in different amounts in two lanes. (B) Kinase activity assay of the proteins isolated from both conditions. Using the same amount of protein, CaMKII isolated under Ca2+ stress shows consistently higher activity than the protein isolated from no-stress condition. (C) Kinase activities of stressed and non-stressed samples at different substrate concentrations upon treatment with H2O2, or ATP (D).


  1. 1. Wang X, Pan T (2015) Methionine Mistranslation Bypasses the Restraint of the Genetic Code to Generate Mutant Proteins with Distinct Activities. PLoS Genet 11(12): e1005745. pmid:26709516