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Correction: Bayesian Inference of Reticulate Phylogenies under the Multispecies Network Coalescent

  • Dingqiao Wen,
  • Yun Yu,
  • Luay Nakhleh
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There is an error in the Results section, under the subsection “A Bayesian model of reticulate phylogenies” for Equation 4. Specifically, in the prior, η should be a hyper parameter for the prior on Ψtop (the diameter of the reticulation events). Please view the complete, correct equation here:

Additionally, there is an error in the Results section under the subsection “A reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler”. Specifically, in the third paragraph, the following sentence in the MCMC algorithm is incorrect: “where J is the Jacobian of the transformation from {x, u} to {x′, u′}.” This sentence should read: “where |J| is the absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian of the transformation from {x, u} to {x′, u′}.”


  1. 1. Wen D, Yu Y, Nakhleh L (2016) Bayesian Inference of Reticulate Phylogenies under the Multispecies Network Coalescent. PLoS Genet 12(5): e1006006. pmid:27144273