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Correction: Health on the Web: Randomised Controlled Trial of Online Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention Delivered in a Workplace Setting

  • Zarnie Khadjesari,
  • Nick Freemantle,
  • Stuart Linke,
  • Rachael Hunter,
  • Elizabeth Murray
  • Article
  • Metrics
  • Comments
  • Media Coverage

In Table 1 and Table 2, there are errors in the data presented. Please see the corrected Table 1 and Table 2 here.

Table 2. Outcomes by sex and randomised group at 3 months.

There is an error in the last sentence of the Primary outcome subsection of the Results. The correct sentence is: The median number of units consumed a week in both intervention and control groups at follow-up was within recommended weekly limits (≤14 units per week for women; ≤21 units per week for men), with the exception of women in the intervention group (Table 2).


  1. 1. Khadjesari Z, Freemantle N, Linke S, Hunter R, Murray E (2014) Health on the Web: Randomised Controlled Trial of Online Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention Delivered in a Workplace Setting. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112553. pmid:25409454