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Application of Machine Learning Techniques to High-Dimensional Clinical Data to Forecast Postoperative Complications

  • Paul Thottakkara,

    Affiliations Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America, Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America

  • Tezcan Ozrazgat-Baslanti,

    Affiliation Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America

  • Bradley B. Hupf,

    Affiliation Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America

  • Parisa Rashidi,

    Affiliation Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America

  • Panos Pardalos,

    Affiliation Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America

  • Petar Momcilovic,

    Affiliation Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America

  • Azra Bihorac

    Affiliation Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America



To compare performance of risk prediction models for forecasting postoperative sepsis and acute kidney injury.


Retrospective single center cohort study of adult surgical patients admitted between 2000 and 2010.


50,318 adult patients undergoing major surgery.


We evaluated the performance of logistic regression, generalized additive models, naïve Bayes and support vector machines for forecasting postoperative sepsis and acute kidney injury. We assessed the impact of feature reduction techniques on predictive performance. Model performance was determined using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, accuracy, and positive predicted value. The results were reported based on a 70/30 cross validation procedure where the data were randomly split into 70% used for training the model and the 30% for validation.

Main Results

The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve for different models ranged between 0.797 and 0.858 for acute kidney injury and between 0.757 and 0.909 for severe sepsis. Logistic regression, generalized additive model, and support vector machines had better performance compared to Naïve Bayes model. Generalized additive models additionally accounted for non-linearity of continuous clinical variables as depicted in their risk patterns plots. Reducing the input feature space with LASSO had minimal effect on prediction performance, while feature extraction using principal component analysis improved performance of the models.


Generalized additive models and support vector machines had good performance as risk prediction model for postoperative sepsis and AKI. Feature extraction using principal component analysis improved the predictive performance of all models.


Postoperative complications are significant sources of morbidity and mortality leading to a multi-fold increase in costs and adverse long-term consequences [1]. Postoperative sepsis and acute kidney injury (AKI) are well-recognized risk factors for short and long term morbidity and mortality after surgery [27]. Furthermore, development of AKI during sepsis increases patient morbidity, predicts higher mortality and has a significant effect on multiple organ functions [8]. There is an increasing interest in predicting the probability of postoperative complications in order to improve risk stratification prior to surgery and to allow timely use of preventive therapies during surgery and anesthesia. Assessment of this risk requires timely, accurate and dynamic synthesis of the large amount of clinical information in the preoperative period. Current preoperative risk stratification is limited to a physician’s subjective risk assessment or risk scores that often require elaborate data extraction [9, 10]. While the majority of existing preoperative AKI risk scores are limited to cardiac surgery and have modest accuracy [11, 12], tools for preoperative risk stratification for severe sepsis are missing.

Multivariate regression models are traditionally used for risk prediction in medical research due to their ease of result interpretation and analysis but machine learning classifiers have gained momentum in biomedical research during the past few years with the availability of electronic health records and more complex medical data. Even though the choice of risk prediction model plays a role in generating robust and accurate risk prediction, data cleaning and preprocessing are equally important for model performance [1315]. There is no consensus about the best choice of mathematical function for predictive models in terms of their performance, and studies have shown relative performance comparisons only on a case-by-case basis [1625]. Since the dimension of the dataset, including the number and complexity of variables, is an important determinant of the predictive performance, the optimal choice of techniques for reducing data dimensionality is equally important [26].

Using all available preoperative clinical and administrative data in a large retrospective cohort of surgical patients, we studied the effect of data preprocessing, modeling options, and dimensionality reduction on the prediction performance of the models forecasting the risk of postoperative AKI and sepsis prior to surgery.


Source of Data

The study was approved by the UF Institutional Review Board and Privacy Office as exempt study with waiver for informed consent. Using the University of Florida Health Integrated Data Repository as Honest Broker for data de-identification we have created perioperative dataset (DECLARE) that integrated multiple databases within the health system as previously described [4]. Using residency zip code, we have link registry data to the United State Census data [27] to calculate residing neighborhood characteristics and distance from hospital using sp package in R [28]. We included all inpatient operative procedures requiring at least 24 hours hospital stay performed between January 1, 2000 and November 30, 2010.


We included all patients with age greater or equal to 18 years admitted to the hospital for longer than 24 hours following any type of inpatient operative procedure. We excluded patients with end-stage renal disease on admission as identified by the previously validated International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) diagnostic and procedure codes [29] and those with missing serum creatinine. Final cohort consisted of 50,318 patients.


Main outcomes were postoperative AKI in the first 7 days after surgery and severe sepsis occurring at any time after surgery. We applied the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) definition for AKI using serum creatinine changes only without urine output criteria. KDIGO uses either 0.3 mg/dl increase within 48 hours or 50% increase above reference serum creatinine [30]. We followed the criteria of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for the patient safety indicator “Postoperative Sepsis” while organ failure associated with sepsis was identified by adding ICD-9-CM codes for acute organ dysfunction [31, 32].

Predictor variables

From the linked DECLARE dataset we used 285 demographic, socio-economic, administrative, clinical, pharmacy and laboratory variables to derive variables for the initial “Preoperative Features Dataset” (Fig 1 and Table 1). Patient comorbidity data was derived using up to 50 ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes recorded in the raw data for each patient. We used the method of Elixhauser et al. to calculate multiple binary comorbidity variables with the exception for chronic kidney disease for which we used updated definitions [29, 33]. Since some comorbidities had low prevalence in the study population (<2%), we included Charlson comorbidity index as a composite measure for medical comorbidities [34] in all multivariable analyses. We extracted medications dispensed on the first admission day using RxNorms data grouped into drug classes according to the US, Department of Veterans Affairs National Drug File-Reference Terminology [35]. For each patient we considered all potential predictors available in the preoperative setting and the final predictor subset for multivariate model was selected by including predictors with statistical significance (P < 0.2) in univariate regression analysis (R function, univariate_selection).

Fig 1. Development flow from raw data to model building.

Sequence of steps from aggregation of raw data, data preparation and leading to model building. The R functions used at each stage is represented in bold italics. R functions are available in github repository: GAM, generalized additive model; SVM, support vector machine; LASSO; least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; PCA, principal component analysis.

Sample Size

We included all patients that satisfied our inclusion criteria in the cohort. The reported results were calculated from validation cohort derived using a 70/30 cross validation procedure. We estimated that the validation cohort of 15,000 patients allows a maximum width of 95% confidence interval (CI) for area under the curve (AUC) of 0.02 when prevalence of postoperative complication is 5% and 0.02 when prevalence is 40%.

Predictive Analytics Process

Fig 1 outlines the experimental design of the predictive analytics process. Following data integration we performed data preparation steps to improve computational efficiency and robustness of prediction models. Data preprocessing included data cleaning with removal of outliers, imputation of missing data, and optimization of categorical and nominal variables (Table 1 and Fig 1) [36, 37]. To address the risk of overfitting, data was randomly split into 70% used for training the model and the 30% for validation for each run [38]. Proportion of AKI and severe sepsis were similar in each partition by the sampling design. The analytical and writing plan followed the TRIPOD recommendations [39].

Data Cleaning

For all variables we developed set of automatic rules for the removal of outliers that were considered unreasonable observations by medical experts. For continuous variables, observations that fell in the top and bottom 1% of the distribution were considered as outliers. Identified outliers were removed and then treated as missing values. All missing observations were imputed before model building using automated algorithm. For nominal variables with missing entries, a distinct “missing” category was created. For continuous variables, the mean value for a given variable was used for imputation.

Optimization of Categorical Features

For nominal variables (such as surgeon’s ID) and categorical features with more than two levels (Table 1), the values in each level (xi) were replaced with the ratio: where E = 1 and E = 0 represent a positive and negative outcome respectively as previously described (R function, data_pre_processing) [3]. The probability P(Xi = x|E = e) was estimated by where, Ej represents outcomeat level j of categorical variable xi and represents the number of cases with Ej = e and . In case of classification trees such substitution gives the optimal splits, in terms of cross-entropy or Gini index. This transformation of categorical predictors into ordered variable provides better performance and a more robust model by reducing the chance of overfitting. However, when the number of unique values in a categorical variable is very large, the categorical predictor gets grouped into partitions of small size, and hence it will be difficult to obtain statistically significant results. A grouping scheme is used to obtain a reliable estimate of P(Xi = x|E = e), such that risk factor categories with fewer than 100 records determined by sensitivity analysis were grouped together and labeled as "other". This "other" group was further split into several subgroups where each subgroup contained categories with similar proportions of patients from different classes [3]. This was achieved by performing k-means clustering on the set of categories in the "other" group. We set the number of clusters to 5.

Optimization of surgical procedure codes

The types of surgical procedures were determined using the 4-digit primary procedure ICD-9-CM codes. The exisiting ~ 3000 codes are prefix-based on anatomical location of surgery and often lack detailed descriptions of surgical approach. Although they are important features for risk stratification, their high dimensionality renders them challenging for the use in predictive models. In addition, while for some procedure codes only a few patients were encountered in the cohort, the estimation of probabilities by counting the number of such patients in each class would be unreliable. To overcome this issue we combined procedures with small number of patients into groups of procedures based on their similarity according to the ICD-9-CM classification using forest tree approach as previously described (R function, data_pre_processing) [3]. We created a tree where each node n corresponds to a certain group of the procedures and is described by a sequence of digits (Sn length varies from 2 to 4); and each successor of a given node has a code generated by adding to Sn one additional digit from the right. For each leaf node, we assigned a number of patients who had a type of surgical procedure described by this node’s code, and for each non-leaf node (such nodes represent general classes of procedures) we assigned a number of patients whose type of surgical procedure belongs to this class. Procedures were aggregated up to the top level of the ICD-9-CM hierarchy (18 basic procedures classes) such that each procedure/group of procedures contained at least 100 patients. The value of this parameter was selected based on a grid search through the values 50, 100, 150, 250 and 500. We enumerated the obtained set of procedures or groups of procedures and the enumeration index was taken as a discrete feature in our model. The grouping method reduced the number of levels in procedures from 1,536 to 187 and improved the proportion of low frequency procedures.

Predictive Models

We compared four predictive modeling approaches: Naïve Bayes, generalized additive model (GAM), logistic regression, and support vector machine (SVM) (R function, prediction_model_function). We choose Naive Bayes as the commonly used type of generative models, a category of predictive models that learns the distribution of the input data, and by using this joint probability predicts the outcome using the Bayes rule [40]. More commonly used category of discriminative models learn a direct map from the input data to the response labels and was represented by logistic regression and GAM [40]. Logistic regression is a commonly used method in medical literature and the predicted risk is either monotonically increasing or decreasing. On the other hand, GAM are additive regression models that can relax the monotonicity assumption of logistic models and offer advantage of estimating non-linear risk functions for continuous variables. We used GAM to estimate non-linear functions for age, reference estimated glomerular filtration rate, hematocrit, and hemoglobin. Support vector machine is one of the widely used advanced machine learning techniques [41].

Generalized Additive Model

We estimated the probability of outcome (E = 1, otherwise E = 0) by using a generalized additive model: (1) where m is the number of risk factors, X = (X1, …, Xm) are the risk factors, x = (x1, …, xm) are the values of these factors, fi is a nonlinear risk function associated with the ith risk factor and α is a free term. Nonlinear risk functions fi were estimated for each feature with cubic splines via a local scoring algorithm [42]. The degrees of freedom for each spline were estimated by maximizing restricted likelihood function [43]. Degrees of freedom characterize a curvature of a spline, with value 1 corresponding to a linear function. Risk predictors with estimated degrees of freedom close to 1 were not smoothed in the final model; instead the original values of risk predictors xi were used. Therefore, the final model has the following form as in Eq 2 were is a set of risk predictors with estimated degrees of freedom close to 1 and wi is the linear weight of the ith risk predictors.


Logistic Regression

Assuming a linear association between the predictor variables and the logit of each outcome (logarithm of the odds of positive outcome), we applied logistic regression algorithm that uses a weighted least squares algorithm to construct a regression line as the best fit through the data points by minimizing the weighted sum of squared distances to the fitted regression line [21]. Logistic regression model for independent predictors from set I is defined as Eq 1, where P(E = 1|X) is the probability of predicting a positive outcome given X and βi are the coefficients estimated from data.


Naïve Bayes Model

Naïve Bayes is a probabilistic classifier, based on applying Bayes’ theorem, and assumes that given the class of the outcome vector, the covariates are independent. The probability of event P(E = 1|X = x) is estimated from . Even though this assumption is not generally true, it simplifies the model complexity and is often seen to outperform other sophisticated alternatives [44].

Support Vector Machine

SVM is a discriminative model that performs classification by finding a separating decision boundary called “hyperplane” in the input feature space [4547]. If no linear separation is possible, the SVM algorithm can map the input feature space to a higher dimension using kernel functions and then can construct an optimal separating hyperplane. Consider a binary classification problem with predictors ∈{1,−1} and a hyperplane wx−b = 0. A simple SVM model can be represented as minimizing ∥w∥ subject to wxi−b ≥ 1 for class 1 and wxi−b ≤ 1 for class -1. SVM has excellent generalization performance, however compared to the other basic regression techniques the computational cost of training the SVM model is higher and it can be as high as O(n3) especially for kernel SVMs.

Performance Enhancement through Data Reduction Techniques

To overcome the high dimensionality of our dataset we tested two data reduction techniques focused on reducing the size of data. For the first approach, we used the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) technique (R function, lasso_filtering [48]) as a feature selection technique to select the best subset of features from the initial dataset. For the second approach, we performed feature extraction with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique (R function PCA_filtering), which creates a set of meta-features that are linear combination of the original feature set with first component capturing the largest variance, the second principal component exhibiting the second largest variance, and so on. To avoid overfitting, only the top five principal components were considered for model building and all the principal components were uncorrelated. The compressed data can help in speeding up the algorithms (used for prediction models), and in removing redundancy in data, and thereby improving the model performance.

Internal Validation

The results were reported based on a 70/30 cross validation procedure where the data were randomly split into 70% used for training the model and the 30% for validation. The process was repeated 50 times to report performance measures and relevant confidence intervals.

Model Performance

We assessed each model’s discrimination using the area under the AUC and model accuracy by determining the fraction of correct classification and positive predicted value for each model. We used bootstrap sampling to obtain 95% confidence intervals for these statistics, and comparisons were made using nonparametric methods. Model calibration was tested using Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic.



Among 50,318 adult patients who underwent major inpatient surgery, 36% (n = 18246) developed AKI in the first seven postoperative days. The severe sepsis occurred among 5% (n = 2589) of the cohort (Table 2). The distribution of outcomes and preoperative clinical characteristics did not differ between training and validation cohorts.

Table 2. Summary of overall cohort.

Abbreviations. GFR, Glomerular filtration rate, CBC, complete blood count.

Model specification

The data preprocessing significantly improved computational efficiency as measured by the time required for model building for all types of models (Table 3). Both logistic regression and GAM demonstrated the largest improvement as the computational time was reduced by one hundredth in the pre-processing step. As expected the independence assumption of the Naïve Bayes model undermined the effect of our grouping scheme for data pre-processing thus gain in computational efficiency was not as large. The inherent computational intensity of the SVM model prevented this comparison as SVM algorithm took on average 2 to 3 hours for one simulation.

Table 3. Comparison of time required for model building in seconds.

Model performance

Table 4 compares the predictive performance of different modeling approaches. Both GAM and logistic regression had improved performance and model fit compared to Naïve Bayes model with all AUCs above 0.80 and between 0.022 and 0.03 higher for predicting AKI and severe sepsis, respectively. Although discriminative performance of GAM was not significantly higher than logistic regression, they were able to account for the non-linearity of continuous clinical variables. Risk patterns for the plasma hematocrit, hemoglobin and estimated glomerular filtration rate showed clearly how non-linear models can effectively depict the risk variation compared to linear models (Fig 2).

Table 4. Comparison of model performances.

Abbreviations. AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristics curve; CI, confidence interval; GAM, generalized additive model; SVM, support vector machine; LASSO; least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; PPV, positive predicted value. Bootstrap sampling was used to obtain 95% confidence intervals and comparisons were made using nonparametric methods.

Fig 2. Predicted risk functions for the association between (A) acute kidney injury and (B) severe sepsis and continuous variables.

Risk functions were generated from multivariate generalized additive models and logistic regression models. GAM, generalized additive model; DoF, degree of freedom; GFR, glomerular filtration rate.

Table 4 details the performance enhancement achieved using data reduction techniques. Using LASSO to reduce the input feature space had minimal effect on prediction performance, while data reduction using principal component analysis improved the models predictive power. Models built using the first 5 principal components provided a 3–6% enhancement in AUC, 2–3% improvement in accuracy and 7–10% improvement in positive predictive values for GAM and similar trend was observed for logistic regression model, SVM and Naïve Bayes model. After application of principal component analysis the predictive performance of GAM and SVM models was comparable.


Our study demonstrates that application of data preprocessing, choice of predictive modeling approach and dimensionality reduction techniques affect the risk prediction performance for two major postoperative complications using routinely available data in electronic health records. Data processing techniques had a positive impact on computational efficiency, and data reduction techniques improved the model predictive capability. Model comparison revealed GAM and SVM as the best options for building risk prediction models among four approaches we used since they provided high discrimination while accounting for the non-linearity of continuous clinical variables.

We developed models that could be applied at point of access to preoperative care, do not rely on self-reported data and specialized testing and were derived from whole population data that are routinely collected in preoperative period. Our data set included readily available variables in electronic health records, many of which are complex variables with multiple values such as residency ZIP codes, procedure and diagnostic codes and surgeon’s identities. Inclusion of these non-traditional variables in the model allowed us to capture certain aspects of health discriminators such as socio-economic status or effect of individual surgeon’s performance. The importance of ZIP code as a surrogate of neighborhood socio-economic characteristics has been recently brought to light by studies demonstrating its powerful association with multiple disease and health behaviors, including obesity, smoking, depression, heart disease and cancer [4954]. The effect of the performance of surgeon or anesthesiologist is increasingly recognized as an important predictive factor of postoperative outcomes yet it remains controversial and is not routinely incorporated in publicly available risk calculators [5557].

The data cleaning step is focused on improving the quality of data to make them “fit for use” by users, through reducing errors in the data by removing noise and outliers and improving their documentation and presentation [58]. Since data error rate of 1–5% can be expected, detailed and methodological processing of raw data is a crucial step before performing any analysis to reduce the influence of Type I and Type II errors. The improvement in computational efficiency that was achieved in our study with data cleaning and preprocessing, emphasizes the need for appropriate techniques to process data on a case-by-case basis. Designing data preparatory steps should be based on a good understanding of the nature of data and the clinical needs. In this study we developed a data processing methodology based on the distribution of each variable and its clinical background and relevance. Further, the robustness and smaller error margin of performance measures for all the models in our study can be partly credited to the efficient data preparatory steps.

Even though we did not observe statistically significant difference among model performances, GAM was the preferred model in this study due to its accuracy, relative efficiency compared to SVM and ability to account for non-linearity of variables. GAM is a data driven prediction model that has the flexibility to capture non-monotonicity in the predicted risk and this could be a contributing factor for GAM to gain better results compared to the other prediction models. GAM as a non-linear additive algorithm has generated better fit in comparison to the other prediction models. Since parameter tuning is critical for SVM further fine tuning of SVM parameters may potentially improve the current results. Comparison of model performance with respect to various prediction models shows a performance saturation trend. Our results confirm previous findings that data reduction techniques may improve model performance with principal component analysis providing the best results for our models [59].

With the availability of electronic health records the increasing use of prediction models utilizing these data can be expected. Such models can be a useful guide for healthcare experts to identify patients who may benefit the most from interventions that can mitigate such risks. For patients, these models may provide tools to facilitate informed decision about surgical procedures and risk of complications. To be useful for these purposes, a prediction model must provide validated, robust and accurate estimates. All the prediction models compared in this study provided satisfactory performance in accuracy of the individual risk prediction that will require further external and prospective validation.


Using predictive analytics and machine learning approaches we have built robust predictive models forecasting risk of two major postoperative complications. Generalized additive models and support vector machines showed superior performance compared to the other models selected for this study. These models could be applied at point of access to preoperative care, do not rely on self-reported data and specialized testing and were derived from whole population data that are routinely collected in preoperative period. We provide set of data preparatory steps to ensure performance and computational efficiency. Choice of predictive function and dimensionality reduction techniques are important to optimize the performance of risk models and further comparison of different machine learning approaches is warranted. In our analysis, feature extraction using principal component analysis improved the predictive performance of all models. External prospective validation of these models is necessary prior to implementation in real-time clinical workflow for automated and simplified risk stratification in preoperative period.


Paul Thottakkara and Tezcan Ozrazgat-Baslanti contributed equally to the manuscript.

We provided access to R functions created at

Author Contributions

Analyzed the data: PT BBH TOB. Wrote the paper: PT TOB BBH PR PP PM AB. Conception or design of the study: AB TOB PR PT. Acquisition of data: AB TOB. Interpretation of results: PT TOB BBH PR PP PM AB. Writing and revision for important intellectual content: PT TOB BBH PR PP PM AB.


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