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Correction: Immune-inducible non-coding RNA molecule lincRNA-IBIN connects immunity and metabolism in Drosophila melanogaster

  • Susanna Valanne,
  • Tiina S. Salminen,
  • Mirva Järvelä-Stölting,
  • Laura Vesala,
  • Mika Rämet
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The authors note that the annotation of two of the genes analyzed in their article has changed. These genes, that were previously annotated as non-coding genes, and analyzed accordingly, are now re-analyzed as coding genes. Therefore, the gene lincRNA-IBIN appears incorrectly throughout the article. The correct gene name is IBIN.

As a result, in the title of this article, the word “lincRNA-IBIN” should be “IBIN.” The correct title is: Immune-inducible IBIN connects immunity and metabolism in Drosophila melanogaster. The correct citation is: Valanne S, Salminen TS, Järvelä-Stölting M, Vesala L, Rämet M (2019) Immune-inducible IBIN connects immunity and metabolism in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS Pathog 15(1): e1007504.

The authors have provided an additional explanation to provide context for these changes.

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  1. 1. Valanne S, Salminen TS, Järvelä-Stölting M, Vesala L, Rämet M (2019) Immune-inducible non-coding RNA molecule lincRNA-IBIN connects immunity and metabolism in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS Pathog 15(1): e1007504. pmid:30633769