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Dynamic Modelling of Pathways to Cellular Senescence Reveals Strategies for Targeted Interventions

Figure 5

AMPK, FoxO3a, or Mitophagy simulated activations consistently improve mitochondrial function.

(A) Model single perturbation of AMPK, FoxO3a, or mitophagy from 0% (control, black) to 150% gradual over-activation. (B) Model double perturbations were obtained by plotting the intensity for each readout (left, mitochondrial mass and on the right, membrane potential (ψm)) with over-activation of AMPK (x axis) and FoxO3a (y axis) (above), or AMPK (x axis) and mitophagy (y axis) (below). The control (no over-activation) is represented as the point (0, 0). Prediction data are shown at 15 days post-irradiation.

Figure 5
