Simulation and Theory of Antibody Binding to Crowded Antigen-Covered Surfaces
Fig 4
Plot of the stationary fractions of single-Fab and double-Fab bound antibodies versus antigen concentration (symbols) for the flexible (A) and rigid (B) IgG model and fits with the theoretical prediction, Eq (8) (solid lines).
In both panels the black dotted lines show the total fraction of bound antibodies, (N1 + N2)/N0 and error bars are the corresponding statistical errors on the mean. The numerical results referring to the flexible IgGs (A) have been averaged over three different series of runs performed with different values of the solvent viscosity, as gauged by the parameter Δt (see Methods). The insets show a close-up of the low σ region, highlighting the theoretical predictions N1 ∝ σ, N2 ∝ σ2 (see Eq (11)). Best-fit values of the floating parameters are reported in Table 1.