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Correction: Plasticity-Driven Self-Organization under Topological Constraints Accounts for Non-random Features of Cortical Synaptic Wiring

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There is a minor error in the vertical axis label of the lower right portion of Fig 5. Please view the correct version of Fig 5 below:

Fig 5. Change in synaptic weight as a function of initial synaptic weight.

The above plots show the distributions of change in synaptic weight as a function of initial synaptic weight over a ten second simulation time period. The plots on the left are from the simulated network and are in electrophysiological units. The plots on the right are from experiment [10] and are in units of volume as estimated from fluorescence data. The plots on the top show the absolute change in synaptic weight / size. The plots on the bottom show the relative change in synaptic weight / size. Single trial data.


  1. 1. Miner D, Triesch J (2016) Plasticity-Driven Self-Organization under Topological Constraints Accounts for Non-random Features of Cortical Synaptic Wiring. PLoS Comput Biol 12(2): e1004759. pmid:26866369