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Regulation of olfactory-based sex behaviors in the silkworm by genes in the sex-determination cascade

Fig 1

Loss of sex determination pathway genes impairs male courtship and mating behaviors.

(A) Diagram of the sex determination cascade in the silkworm. (B) Diagram of the behavioral test setup. The adult male (M-M) is placed at a distance of 10 cm or 20 cm from a wild-type adult female (WT-F, which releases pheromones) or from a wild-type male control, and behavior is monitored. (C and D) The courtship and mating behavior indexes for wild-type males (WT) and BmMasc, BmPSI, Bmdsx, and Bmfru mutant males. The results are expressed as percentage from 90 pairs tests with Fisher exact test. An index of 0% indicates the absence of courtship behavior or failed mating behavior.

Fig 1
