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Regulation of olfactory-based sex behaviors in the silkworm by genes in the sex-determination cascade

Fig 7

Proposed genetic regulation pathway of sexual behavior in B. mori.

Sex determination pathway factors, olfactory sensory factors, and sex pheromones influence courtship and mating behavior. The Bmdsx-BmOR1/3-Bombykol and Bmfru-BmOR3-Bombykal cascades are the two primary pathways involved in olfactory-based sexual behavior. Disruption of the sex pathway gene Bmdsx blocks the expression of both BmOR1 and BmOR3, whereas disruption of Bmfru mainly inhibits expression of BmOR3. Thus, mutation of Bmdsx leads to an abnormal response to bombykol and bombykal and inhibits courtship and mating by male moths, but mutation of Bmfru disrupts termination of mating due to an abnormal response to bombykal.

Fig 7
