Activation of FGF Signaling Mediates Proliferative and Osteogenic Differences between Neural Crest Derived Frontal and Mesoderm Parietal Derived Bone
Figure 3
Identification of cellular FGF-2 proteins in neural crest derived FOb and mesenchymal derived POb cells.
Endogenous levels of FGF-2 were analyzed on FOb and POb cells by immunoblotting using antiFGF-2 antibody. Higher levels of high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) FGF-2 forms were observed in FOb compared to POb at all stages analyzed. The total cellular FGF-2 proteins were quantified by densitometry (lower panel), α-tubulin was used as loading control. Histogram represents the densitometric analysis of electrophoresis bands, the relative intensities of bands were normalized to their respective loading control and set as 100% The results are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. The asterisks represent P value <0.001.