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Activation of FGF Signaling Mediates Proliferative and Osteogenic Differences between Neural Crest Derived Frontal and Mesoderm Parietal Derived Bone

Figure 4

Biological effect of exogenous FGF-2 on cell proliferation of FOb and POb cells.

Cell proliferation of FOb and POb harvested from E17.5 mice was measured by BrdU. Osteoblast cells were cultured with conditioned serum-free media collected from frontal osteoblasts (FCM) or parietal osteoblasts (PCM) after 24 hours culture. The conditioned media were incubated with neutralizing anti-FGF-2 antibody at different concentrations (1, 2 and 4 µg/ml). Same concentrations of irrelevant rabbit IgG were used as control. 20 ng/ml of hrFGF-2 was added to the medium as a positive control (SF + FGF-2) and serum-free medium as a negative control (SF). FCM induced significant mitogenic effect, as much as the exogenous added rhFGF-2, on both FOb and POB cells. Anti-FGF-2 antibody blocked the FGF-2 mitogenic effect in a dose-dependent manner. Conversely PCM did not elicit mitogenic effect either on FOb or POb cells and there was no blocking effect by the FGF-2 neutralizing antibody on PCM.

Figure 4
