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Activation of FGF Signaling Mediates Proliferative and Osteogenic Differences between Neural Crest Derived Frontal and Mesoderm Parietal Derived Bone

Figure 7

Silencing of FGF Receptor 1 abrogates the greater osteogenic potential of FOb cells.

A, RT-PC analysis demonstrating a decrease in fgfr1 gene expression by siRNA. Densitometry analysis of RT-PCR (Panel below), bands were scanned and quantified using Image J 1.36b software (NIH). B, Western blot demonstrating decreased levels of 2 different FGFR1 isoforms (80 kDa and 122 kDa) in siFgfR1 transduced FOb cells. The intensity of the bands were quantified as above (Panels below). *p<0.05. C, Alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activity of siFgfR1 FOb cells demonstrating that frontal bone derived osteoblasts transduced with siFgfR1 lost their greater osteogenic potential and became more POb-like. D, Alizarin red staining showing marked decreased of mineralization of extracellular matrix in siFgfR1 FOb cells. E, Quantification of Alizarin Red. A lentivirus siRNA scramble was used as control.

Figure 7
