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Adventures in the Enormous: A 1.8 Million Clone BAC Library for the 21.7 Gb Genome of Loblolly Pine

Figure 3

Screening LP 7-56 BAC macroarrays.

(A) Use of the BAC library in gene isolation. The autoradiogram shows hybridization of an overgo probe linked to the LEA gene on LP chromosome 10 to a double-spotted BAC clone potentially containing a full length LEA gene. The positive BAC clone, PT_7Ba_00066 J18, was sequenced and indeed found to contain an intact LEA gene. (B) Hybridization of a 4×4 membrane with the IFG-7 retroelement. Note that IFG-7 is found in many, but not all BAC clones. Also note that some clones appear to contain higher densities of the retroelement.

Figure 3
