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Unexpected Course of Nonlinear Cardiac Interbeat Interval Dynamics during Childhood and Adolescence

Figure 5

Comparison of different age groups with respect to time and frequency domain measures.

R-R – mean R-R interval, SDNN – standard deviation of R-R interval series, HF – high frequency component, LF – low frequency component, VLF – very low frequency component, ULF – ultra low frequency component, ln ms2 – natural logarithm of the absolute values in ms2, ln LF/HF - natural logarithm of the ratio LF/HF. Each group shows three values: 24 h averages are plotted in black, night-time (left of black dot) and wake time averages (right of black dot) are plotted in grey. Note that ULF can only be calculated for the entire recording. The frequency domain measures were transformed by taking the natural logarithm to yield normal distributions (indicated by ‘ln ms2’). The symbol above a value/dot refers to comparisons within the same time period (24 h, night-time or wake time).* Group differed from 3 other groups. + Group differed from group <7 years and group 7 to 9 years. □ Group differed from group 7 to 9 years. ▵ Group differed from group 7 to 9 years and group 10 to 13 years.

Figure 5
