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Synapse Associated Protein 102 (SAP102) Binds the C-Terminal Part of the Scaffolding Protein Neurobeachin

Figure 4

The E2218R mutation within the PH domain abolishes Nbea’s binding to SAP102.

(A) HEK293 cells were co-transfected with flag-tagged SAP102 and either the non-mutated C-terminal part of Nbea (encompassing the Duf, PH, BEACH and WD40 domains) fused to GFP or the mutated versions of this protein. The following mutations were used: E2090K in the DUF domain (1), E2218R in the PH domain (2), N2302A in the BEACH domain (3), V2773I in the WD40 domain (4), and an additional three mutations within the BEACH domain, V2346Q (5), E2447R (6) and P2499S (7) (B) Quantification of FLAG-tagged and GFP-tagged protein levels of the immuno-blot. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean (SEM).

Figure 4
