Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I E-Peptide Activity Is Dependent on the IGF-I Receptor
Figure 5
E-peptides affect IGF-IR downstream signaling.
A–C. C2C12 cells were treated as in Figure 2, with 0 nM or 2 nM IGF-I and optimal doses of the E-peptides (EA 1 µM, EB 10 nM) for 20 minutes. B–C. Quantification of Akt and ERK1/2 phosphorylation after EA (B) or EB (C) treatment. EA and EB alone are compared to NoTx, while IGF-I with E-peptides are compared to 2 nM IGF-I alone. Data are presented as the effect on phosphorylation after E-peptide treatment compared to NoTx or NoPeptide plus IGF-I. Bars represent means ± s.e.m. of N = 3–4 replicates. †, p<0.05 for comparisons of 0 nM IGF samples to their 2 nM IGF-I counterparts via student t-tests.