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HIV-1 Tropism Determination Using a Phenotypic Env Recombinant Viral Assay Highlights Overestimation of CXCR4-Usage by Genotypic Prediction Algorithms for CRRF01_AE and CRF02_AG

Figure 3

Distribution of PCR amplification success stratified by viral load.

The Env ectodomain was amplified from plasma viral RNA by a one-step RT-PCR followed by an inner PCR. Five independent PCR amplifications were pooled to minimize primer-related selection. 292 samples from patients infected with HIV subtypes A1, B, C, D, F, G, CRF01_AE and CRF02_AG were included. Viral load ranged from 466 to 1,350,000 RNA copies/mL.

Figure 3
