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Genome-Wide Comparative Analysis of 20 Miniature Inverted-Repeat Transposable Element Families in Brassica rapa and B. oleracea

Figure 6

MITE insertion polymorphism (MIP) analysis of 19 MITE families in the Brassica genome.

The accessions used here: 1- B. napus (Tapidor), 2- B. napus (Ningyou 7), 3- B. rapa (Chiifu), 4- B. rapa (Kenshin), 5- B. oleracea (C1234), 6- B. oleracea (C1184), 7- B. oleracea (C1235), 8- A. thaliana (Columbia). M, molecular size marker. Black and gray arrowheads indicate the products with and without MITE insertion, respectively.

Figure 6
