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The Identification of Loci for Immune Traits in Chickens Using a Genome-Wide Association Study

Fig 3

Changes in relative transcript abundance of five genes in spleen at 12h, 24h, 3 or 6 days post-infection (DPI) and total serum IgY concentration.

The relative expression of CD1b (A), IL4I1 (B), TRIM27 (C), GNB2L1 (D), and ZNF692 (E) was measured in spleen at different times post-infection with Salmonella enteritidis (108 CFU) (n = 6). Serum concentrations of total IgY of SE-infected and uninfected birds were determined by chicken ELISA kits. Results were expressed as the mean fold-change in gene expression at each time point, from triplicate analyses, using the non-infected control sample at 0.5 dpi as the calibrator (assigned an expression level of 1). Each point-in-time represents the mean ± S.D. of 6 birds. There were barely detectable or no changes in relative expression of the five candidate genes and total IgY concentration in un-challenged controls (data not shown).

Fig 3
