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Characterization of Dedifferentiating Human Mature Adipocytes from the Visceral and Subcutaneous Fat Compartments: Fibroblast-Activation Protein Alpha and Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 as Major Components of Matrix Remodeling

Fig 7

Effects of a DPP4 inhibitor on gene expression of dedifferentiating SC adipocytes.

A) C/EBPα, PPARγ2 and adiponectin gene expression were quantified in mature adipocytes undergoing dedifferentiation (day 5) after a 24-hour treatment with a DPP4 inhibitor (50 μM) or vehicle (Control). N = 13 patients, Matched pair t-test: *p<0.05, § p≤0.10, δ p≤0.15. B) Dose response of DPP4 inhibitor on C/EBPα expression levels in dedifferentiating adipocytes. Cells were treated at days 4 and 6 of ceiling culture in a 6-well plate and harvested at day 6 for qPCR analysis. Repeated measures analysis p-value = 0.06.

Fig 7
