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Peripheral Opioid Antagonist Enhances the Effect of Anti-Tumor Drug by Blocking a Cell Growth-Suppressive Pathway In Vivo

Fig 5

Combined use of Doc and MNTX significantly prolonged survival and alleviated abdominal pain in model mice.

A, survival curves of middle-phase peritoneal metastasis model mice treated with saline, Doc, or Doc/MNTX (0.3 mg/kg) (n = 5, *p<0.05, vs. saline, #p<0.05, Doc vs. Doc/MNTX). Drug administration was started 7 days after the inoculation of 60As6-Luc cells. Mice were treated with Doc or a combination of Doc and MNTX 2 times a week until the endpoint criteria were met. B, visceral pain-related behavior of peritoneal metastasis model mice. Visceral pain-related behavior was assessed in terms of the degree of hunching and the time spent hunching before each drug treatment at 35 days after the inoculation of 60As6-Luc cells (mean ± SD, n = 14 each, *p<0.05). C, survival curves of peritoneal metastasis mice of OGFR-shRNA transfected 60As6 cells (OGFR-KD) treated with saline, Doc, or Doc/MNTX (0.3 mg/kg) (n = 5, *p<0.05, vs. saline, no significance in Doc vs. Doc/MNTX).

Fig 5
