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Visualization of the Epiblast and Visceral Endodermal Cells Using Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Transgenic Mice and Epiblast Stem Cells

Fig 1

Generation of Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Tg mice.

(A) Construction of the Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Tg. The Fgf5 BAC clone (RP23-153I24) covering 72 kb upstream and 112 kb downstream of Fgf5 gene was used. Note that the PGK-gb2-neo cassette was removed from the BAC construct prior to generation of Tg mice. P2A: porcine teschovirus-1 self-cleaving peptide; ipac: ires (internal ribosome entry site)-puromycin resistant gene. (B, C) Venus expression in WT and Tg embryos at E6.5 (line #2 and #571). Ex: extraembryonic region; Em: embryonic region. Scale bar: 100 μm.

Fig 1
