Visualization of the Epiblast and Visceral Endodermal Cells Using Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Transgenic Mice and Epiblast Stem Cells
Fig 5
Reprogramming of Fgf5-P2A-Venus BAC Tg mEpiSCs into miPSCs.
(A) Experimental scheme for reprogramming of the Tg mEpiSCs into miPSCs. The Tg mEpiSCs stably expressing Klf5 or Nanog were cultured in NDiff227 medium supplemented with the Mek inhibitor (PD0325901), Gsk3 inhibitor (CHIR99021) and LIF. After 7 days, miPSC colonies were subjected to immunostaining. (B) Immunostaining for Venus (anti-GFP, green), CD31 (purple) and Nanog (red) in untransfected, vector control and miPSCs. OE: overexpression. Scale bar: 100 μm. (C) RT-qPCR analysis of Tg mEpiSCs and miPSCs. The mean and SD of two independent experiments are shown. *P < 0.05.