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TryCYCLE: A Prospective Study of the Safety and Feasibility of Early In-Bed Cycling in Mechanically Ventilated Patients

Fig 2

Patient flow diagram.

This figure outlines patient screening and enrollment in the TryCYCLE study. The 68 persisting temporary exemptions within the first 4 days of mechanical ventilation included: receipt of neuromuscular blocking agents (n = 19), increase in vasoactive infusions (n = 14), femoral arterial or venous catheter in situ (n = 13), active myocardial infarction of unstable/ uncontrolled arrhythmia (n = 8), severe agitation (n = 2), persistent SpO2 <88% (n = 2), mean arterial pressure <60 mmHg or >110 mmHg (n = 1), heart rate <40 or >140 beats per minute (n = 1), other concern (n = 8).

Fig 2
