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Distinctions in Breast Tumor Recurrence Patterns Post-Therapy among Racially Distinct Populations

Fig 1

NH demographics, breast clinico-pathological characteristics, and treatment compared between patients with or without tumor recurrence.

(A) The numbers and percentages of patients displaying demographic and (B) breast clinico-pathological characteristics were compared for patients with (n = 225) and without recurrence (n = 6009). (C) The numbers and percentages of tumor recurrences for patients whose disease either recurred or did not recur, were compared in patients who underwent each form of conventional breast cancer treatment. Significant differences in all clinico-pathologic characteristics were observed between patients with or without tumor recurrence (p<0.0001), with the exception of nodal status (p = 0.121). Significant differences in clinico-pathological features were also observed between recurrence and non-recurrence patients receiving each form of treatment (p<0.0001), except for radiation therapy (p = 0.065). A chi-square statistical analysis was used to generate p-values in order to determine significant differences in the proportion of patients exhibiting or not exhibiting recurrence in each category. For example, regarding grade, a p value of 0.02 represents a significant difference for the distribution of recurrence and non-recurrence patients across all grades. Please refer to Supplementary Table 1 for details.

Fig 1
