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Fibroblast activation protein is dispensable in the anti-influenza immune response in mice

Fig 2

The pathologic response of FAP knockout (gko) versus wildtype (WT) mice to intranasal influenza infection and the associated changes in expression of DPP4 family members.

FAP knockout (gko; closed symbols) and WT (open symbols) mice were intranasally infected with 50 pfu PR/8 influenza virus. A. Real-time quantitative PCR results showing relative expression of FAP normalised to the housekeeping gene hprt in the mediastinal lymph nodes (mdLN), and normalised to the 18S RNA gene in the lungs (bottom) of uninfected (-) and infected (+) WT mice on day 7 post-infection. Statistical significance was tested using Mann-Whitney test. B. Weight loss response in influenza-infected 10-week old female FAP knockout (closed symbols) and WT (open symbols) mice (n = 7). Results from one of three replicate experiments are shown. Statistical significance was tested using Student’s t-test. * p< 0.05. C. Real-time quantitative PCR results showing relative expression of influenza virus (Inf A), normalised to the 18S RNA gene in the lungs of infected FAP knockout (closed symbols) and WT (open symbols) mice on day 7 post-infection (n = 5 per group). Inf A expression was not detected in uninfected lungs. Each symbol represents data from one mouse and the bar represents the mean±SEM. Statistical significance was tested using the Mann-Whitney test. D. Expression of DPP4 family members DPP4, DPP8 and DPP9 in uninfected and infected FAP knockout (closed symbols) and WT (open symbols) mice. Each symbol represents data from one mouse and the bar represents the mean±SEM. Results from one of two experiments are shown. Statistical significance was tested using the Mann-Whitney test.

Fig 2
