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Integrated control of wood destroying basidiomycetes combining Cu-based wood preservatives and Trichoderma spp.

Fig 4

Combined effect of Trichoderma species, T-685 and T-720, on preventing mass loss from basidiomycetes after 9 months incubation on Cu-treated wood.

(A) Control—R. placenta. (B) Control—R. placenta + T. harzianum. (C) 37.2 kg m-3 CC—R. placenta. (D) 37.2 kg m-3 CC—R. placenta + T. harzianum. (E) 8.2 kg m-3 Cr-free 1—R. placenta. (F) 8.2 kg m-3 Cr-free 1—R. placenta + T. harzianum. (G) 15.1 kg m-3 Cr-free 2—R. placenta. (H) 15.1 kg m-3 Cr-free 2—R. placenta + T. harzianum. (Bar 200μm, 10x).

Fig 4
