The fungal natural product azaphilone-9 binds to HuR and inhibits HuR-RNA interaction in vitro
Fig 5
Molecular docking identifies a possible binding pocket for AZA-9 in the RNA-cleft of HuR.
(A) Computational model of AZA-9 bound to HuR RRM1/2, with protein shown in surface representation and AZA-9 in sticks. HuR RRM1/2 residues affected in AZA-9 NMR titrations are colored red. An expanded view of the binding pocket is shown in the right. Residues involved in AZA-9 binding are displayed as sticks, with hydrogen bonds shown as dashed lines. (B) Surface representation of HuR RRM1/2 bound to RNA (sticks) for comparison with the AZA-9 model. Residues affected upon RNA titrations are highlighted in red. An expanded view of the RNA-pocket is shown in the right. Residues (Y26, K55, L61, R97, R153) perturbed by AZA-9 in the NMR titrations are critical RNA-binding residues.