A grape seed extract maternal dietary supplementation in reproductive hens reduces oxidative stress associated to modulation of plasma and tissue adipokines expression and improves viability of offsprings
Fig 5
Plasma concentration of RARRES2 (A), ADIPOQ (B) and NAMPT (C) in broiler hens fed with different concentrations of GSE dietary supplementation or with a control diet.
A: animals fed with control diet without GSE supplementation (n = 92), B and C: animals supplemented with GSE at 0.5% and 1% of the total diet composition, respectively, starting at 4 week-old until 40 week-old (n = 80), and D: supplementation at 1% of the total diet composition starting at hatch until 40 week-old (n = 72). The starting period corresponds to the hatching until the 4th week, the growing period corresponds to the 4th week until 17th week, the « before laying » period corresponds to the 18th week to the 23rd week and the laying period corresponds to the 24th week until the 40th week. Results are presented as lsmeans ± SEM. P values of the effects of the stage when the supplementation is applied (TimeSuppl) and diet were considered as significant if P < 0.05. Different individual letters (a, b and c) indicate a significant effect of the diet. **** P < 0.0001 (diet effect).