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A grape seed extract maternal dietary supplementation in reproductive hens reduces oxidative stress associated to modulation of plasma and tissue adipokines expression and improves viability of offsprings

Table 6

mRNA expression of adipokines (RARRES2, ADIPOQ and NAMPT), their receptors (CMKLR1, CCRL2, GPR1, ADIPOR1, ADIPOR2) and oxidant (NOX 4, NOX 5) or anti-oxidant (SOD, GST) genes in abdominal adipose tissue (AT abd), liver and pectoralis major muscle at 40 weeks.

Results are presented as lsmeans ± SEM. P values of the effects of the stage when the supplementation is applied (TimeSuppl) and diet were considered as significant if P < 0.05. Different individual letters (a, b and c) in superscript indicate a significant effect of the diet. A: control (n = 10), B and C: supplementation at 0.5% (n = 13) and 1% (n = 10) of the total diet composition, respectively, starting at 4 week-old until 40 week-old and D: supplementation at 1% of the total diet composition starting at hatch until 40 week-old (n = 10).

Table 6
