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High-throughput analysis of lung immune cells in a combined murine model of agriculture dust-triggered airway inflammation with rheumatoid arthritis

Fig 2

Unsupervised single-cell transcriptional profiling of lung CD45+ cells identifies 14 unique clusters among Sham, CIA, ODE, and CIA+ODE treatment groups.

Lung immune cells were isolated from mice (N = 2 mice/group) treated with Sham, CIA, ODE and CIA+ODE. (A) T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) plot shows projection of unique molecular identifier (UMI) count among cell clusters. (B) Distribution of cells by unsupervised clustering in t-SNE showing lung immune cell populations. (C) Major lung cell types identified by signature genes including Csf3r (neutrophils), Cd11c/Itgax (macrophages), F13a1 (monocytes), Trbc2 (T lymphocytes), Cd19 (B lymphocytes), Ccl5 (NK cells), and Siglech (dendritic cells).

Fig 2
