High-throughput analysis of lung immune cells in a combined murine model of agriculture dust-triggered airway inflammation with rheumatoid arthritis
Fig 4
Neutrophil populations segregated by unsupervised clustering relate to cell-programming among treatment groups.
(A) Heatmap shows the top 120/N upregulated genes for 3 distinct neutrophil clusters ranked by log2 fold-change, where N = total number of clusters. (B) Top 5–10 genes of the three neutrophil clusters plotted in heatmap to show differences and gene names in transcript levels. (C) Violin plots show expression with population distribution among inflammatory neutrophils, represented by blue (cluster 8), resident/transitional neutrophils, represented by green (cluster 4) and granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells (gMDSC)/autoreactive neutrophils, represented by red (cluster 3). The y-axis indicates normalized expression value, log2 (average UMI count + 1). (D) Representative gene from each neutrophil cluster showing their distribution in t-SNE.