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High-throughput analysis of lung immune cells in a combined murine model of agriculture dust-triggered airway inflammation with rheumatoid arthritis

Fig 8

Treatment group-specific gene expression pattern demonstrated in isolated macrophages.

Three monocyte/macrophage populations were sorted from lung digests as live, singlets, CD45+, non-lymphocytes, Ly6C and Ly6G, and identified as separate populations with variable expression of CD11b and CD11c. RNA was isolated from these populations and subjected to NanoString nCounter analysis. (A) Representative dot plots of the populations sorted as: (1) macrophages (CD11chigh, CD11bvariable), (2) monocytes-macrophages (CD11cintermediate,CD11bhigh), and (3) monocytes (CD11c, CD11bhigh) from each treatment of Sham, CIA, ODE, and CIA+ODE shown. (B) Heat map of fold-change of top 15 genes normalized to 20 housekeeping genes from each treatment group compared to Sham. (C) Bar graphs depict mean with standard error bars of representative genes from each treatment group Sham (red), CIA (green), ODE (teal), and CIA+ODE (blue). N = 3 (3 independent experiments with 2–3 mice pooled), 8 total mice. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001.

Fig 8
