Brain organoid formation on decellularized porcine brain ECM hydrogels
Fig 1
DNA and ECM content of decellularization pig brain.
(A) Native pig brains were decellularized with detergents, lyophilized, and solubilized in a pepsin-HCl mix. After neutralizing the solution (15 mg/mL) to physiological salt and pH concentration, hydrogel formation at 37°C was observed. (B) DAPI staining of whole tissue samples en face (upper panel) and tissue sections (lower panel). (C) DNA content in native brain and B-ECM samples (n = 9) was measured after extraction of DNA from wet tissue with a commercial kit. (D) GAGs from wet tissue (n = 8) and (E) collagen from dry tissue (n = 15) were quantified by extraction of proteins with commercial kits.