Brain organoid formation on decellularized porcine brain ECM hydrogels
Fig 3
Protein analysis performed by mass spectrometry on samples from native brain, B-ECM, B-ECM hydrogel, and on Matrigel.
(A) Stacked bar chart of the abundance of the matrisome-proteins that were detected in the analyzed samples, categorized in different matrisome categories (Collagens, ECM-affiliated, Glycoproteins, Proteoglycans, ECM Regulators or Secreted Factors) (B) The abundance of ECM proteins found in the B-ECM hydrogel sample compared to Native, B-ECM, and Matrigel samples, sorted by ECM categories (collagens, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans) with their gene identifier. Besides, the abundances of the brain-specific ECM proteins brevican (BCAN), aggrecan (ACAN), and versican (VCAN) in the different samples are shown as well. Y-axis is in the logarithmic scale.