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Correction: Viral FGARAT ORF75A promotes early events in lytic infection and gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis in mice

  • Nick D. Van Skike,
  • Nana K. Minkah,
  • Chad H. Hogan,
  • Gary Wu,
  • Peter T. Benziger,
  • Darby G. Oldenburg,
  • Mehmet Kara,
  • Deborah M. Kim-Holzapfel,
  • Douglas W. White,
  • Scott A. Tibbetts,
  • Jarrod B. French,
  • Laurie T. Krug
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There are several errors in the article.

In the Introduction, there is an error in the second sentence of the third paragraph. The correct sentence is: MHV68 ORF75C and KSHV ORF75 lead to the non-canonical deamidation of RIG-I to drive NF-κB signaling. In the case of ORF75C, this is through the recruitment of the host FGARAT to RIG-I [14].

In the Results section, under the heading “Evolutionary divergence within the vFGARATs,” there is an error in the third sentence of the second paragraph. The correct sentence is: "The C-terminal portion of ORF75C is sufficient to interact with RIG-I [14].

In the Discussion section, there is an error in the first sentence of the seventh paragraph. The correct sentence is: "Interestingly, MHV68 ORF75C has been reported to direct RIG-I deamidation by host FGARAT, and thereby drive MAVS/IKK2/NF-κB signaling [14].

Fig 1B contains a label error. Please find the corrected Fig 1 here.

Fig 1. Divergence of the gammaherpesvirus vFGARAT family.

(A) Phylogenetic tree of the vFGARATs of the indicated γ-hepesviruses (Genebank ID located in S1 Table). (B) Phylogenetic alignment using BLOSUM62 with previously characterized domains of the vFGARATs. (C) Pairwise alignment showing degrees of identity (lower left corner of table) or similarity (upper right corner of table) between the respective N-terminal or C-terminal portions of the indicated vFGARATs. The division point for each vFGARAT (red vertical line in B) was based on dotplot analysis for each indicated vFGARATS compared to MHV68 ORF75C.

In Table 2, there is an error in the header of the sixth column. Please find the correct Table 2 here.

Table 2. Frequencies of cell populations reactivating viral genomes in C57BL/6 mice.


  1. 1. Van Skike ND, Minkah NK, Hogan CH, Wu G, Benziger PT, Oldenburg DG, et al. (2018) Viral FGARAT ORF75A promotes early events in lytic infection and gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis in mice. PLoS Pathog 14(2): e1006843. pmid:29390024