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Correction: Pervasive within-host recombination and epistasis as major determinants of the molecular evolution of the foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid

  • Luca Ferretti,
  • Eva Pérez-Martín,
  • Fuquan Zhang,
  • François Maree,
  • Lin-Mari de Klerk-Lorist,
  • Louis van Schalkwykc,
  • Nicholas D. Juleff,
  • Bryan Charleston,
  • Paolo Ribeca
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The following information is missing from the Funding statement: Nicholas D. Juleff was funded by Wellcome Trust intermediate-level research fellowship 091726/Z/10/Z.

In the Population structure section of the Materials and Methods, a reference is omitted from the first sentence of the first paragraph.

The correct sentence is: SNV variants in the inoculum were called by SiNPle (Ferretti et al, 2019) using an approximation of the Bayesian calling algorithm in Snape-pooled [41] suitable for high coverage.

The reference is: Ferretti L, Tennakoon C, Silesian A, Freimanis G, Ribeca P. SiNPle: Fast and Sensitive Variant Calling for Deep Sequencing Data. Genes 2019, 10, 561.


  1. 1. Ferretti L, Pérez-Martín E, Zhang F, Maree F, de Klerk-Lorist L-M, van Schalkwykc L, et al. (2020) Pervasive within-host recombination and epistasis as major determinants of the molecular evolution of the foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid. PLoS Pathog 16(1): e1008235. pmid:31905219