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Correction: Type I IFNs facilitate innate immune control of the opportunistic bacteria Burkholderia cenocepacia in the macrophage cytosol

  • Michael G. Dorrington,
  • Clinton J. Bradfield,
  • Justin B. Lack,
  • Bin Lin,
  • Sinu P. John,
  • Jonathan J. Liang,
  • Tregei Starr,
  • Orna Ernst,
  • Julia L. Gross,
  • Jing Sun,
  • Alexandra H. Miller,
  • Olivia Steele-Mortimer,
  • Iain D. C. Fraser
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Sinu P. John should be included in the author byline. He should be listed as fifth author, and his affiliation is 1: Signaling Systems Section, Laboratory of Immune System Biology, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America. The contributions of this author are as follows: Investigation, Formal Analysis.

The correct citation is: Dorrington MG, Bradfield CJ, Lack JB, Lin B, John SP, Liang JJ, et al. (2021) Type I IFNs facilitate innate immune control of the opportunistic bacteria Burkholderia cenocepacia in the macrophage cytosol. PLoS Pathog 17(3): e1009395.


  1. 1. Dorrington MG, Bradfield CJ, Lack JB, Lin B, John SP, Liang JJ, et al. (2021) Type I IFNs facilitate innate immune control of the opportunistic bacteria Burkholderia cenocepacia in the macrophage cytosol. PLoS Pathog 17(3): e1009395. pmid:33684179