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Correction: A new adenine nucleotide transporter located in the ER is essential for maintaining the growth of Toxoplasma gondii

  • Senyang Li,
  • Jiahui Qian,
  • Ming Xu,
  • Jing Yang,
  • Zhengming He,
  • Tongjie Zhao,
  • Junlong Zhao,
  • Rui Fang
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The gene ID of TgANT appears incorrectly. The correct gene ID is TGGT1_254580.

In the TgANT is an ER membrane protein in T. gondii subsection of the Results, there are errors in the last three sentences of the first paragraph. The correct sentences are: Among the sixty-nine selected genes, we focused on TGGT1_254580, which was annotated as UDP-galactose transporter family protein in the ToxoDB database, and predicted to have ten transmembrane helices (Fig 1A and 1B). Besides, TGGT1_254450 contains a C-terminal dilysine motif (-KKQC) that serves as an ER retention signal, C-terminally dilysine motif shown in other proteins to limit exit from the ER (Fig 1A) [21]. According to the nomenclature in other species, we named TGGT1_254450 as T. gondii Adenine Nucleotide Transporter (TgANT), and distinguished from mitochondrial ATP/ADP carrier (AACs).


  1. 1. Li S, Qian J, Xu M, Yang J, He Z, Zhao T, et al. (2022) A new adenine nucleotide transporter located in the ER is essential for maintaining the growth of Toxoplasma gondii. PLoS Pathog 18(7): e1010665. pmid:35788770